How To Visit Patni Top From Jammu Or Katra?

How To Visit Patni Top From Jammu Or Katra?

The distance from Jammu to Patni Top is 110 km. May-June and September-October are the peak tourist seasons here. Tracking, skiing and aerosports are the main attractions here. To reach here you can take a bus or taxi from Jammu, Katra or Udhampur. It will take you three and a half hours to reach Patnitop by taxi, then about five hours by bus. If you want to enjoy snowfall, then plan between December and March. During this, you can also enjoy skiing. Madhatop, located six kilometers from Patnitop on Sanasar Road, has an excellent skiing area. If going for trekking, plan to go for summer. By the way, there are also good sites for capping. Sundarani-Jungle Gali-Jaskarkot, Sanasar Route is the best option for these matters. Skiing can be enjoyed here in winter. Apart from these, paragliding can also be done in Jammu and Sanasar. For this, the months of May-June and September-October are best. Then horse riding also has its own fun here.

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