Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satyapal Malik on Monday inaugurated the Bhavan-Bhairon Yatra rope-way service. This service costing 85 crore rupees will help the pilgrims of the famous Vaishno Devi temple. Governor Malik is also the Chairman of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board. According to an official spokesperson, Malik inaugurated this state-of-the-art service at a function at Raj Bhavan here. He said that with the introduction of ropeway facility, the travel time between Bhawan and Bhairon temple will be reduced from an hour to just three minutes.
According to the spokesperson, the board has decided to keep the ticket price low. Ticket price will be Rs 100 per passenger. The Governor appreciated the efforts of the engineers of the officers who made this mega project into reality. Referring to the safety aspects of the project, he said that rescue and relief preparations should be of international standard. According to the spokesperson, the capacity of the ropeway is 800 passengers per hour. Ropeway cabins and many equipment have been imported from Switzerland.
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